The Entire Star Trek Universe at High Speed

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Nine Year Old Perspective: The Enemy Within

In this show, the animal in Sulu's arms is my favorite character. What I call this little animal is a uni-dog because it has a horn like a unicorn and a tale like a horse (which so do unicorns) but its face is like a dog and it's smaller like a dog not bigger like a horse. But the part that made me feel sad was that the dog died. And the Captain got split into a pro and a con half. But in the end he got put back into just his normal self. We think we know what caused the transporter to stop working, and start making half pro half con of people. Is because some type of geologist or whoever got yellow stuff all over him that was magnetized and had to be sent up because he hurt his hand, and in the show that's basically the only logical answer for what happened to the transporter. Sulu and the rest of the away team got stuck on the planet at about a 120 degrees under zero cause that's how cold it got at night on the planet because they couldn't fix the transporter and couldn't take any chances to make two of them. But they finally got them back up in the end.



Why did they not take a shuttle down to the surface with a rescue party? I liked the unidog too.

Unknown said...

This was early in Star Trek's run and I think it was before the writers had come up with the idea of shuttlecraft.