The Entire Star Trek Universe at High Speed

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Time Travel Drinking Game

TOS: Episode 19: Tomorrow is Yesterday

The Time Travel Drinking Game
Instructions: Get your favorite beverage and pour it in a glass. Every time one of the following conditions occurs, take a full sized drink of your beverage. Ready? Begin!

Star Ship Enterprise in Earth's atmosphere

Episode Quick Summary
The Enterprise inadvertently travels back in time to the year 1969 where it accidentally encounters Captain John Christopher of the US Air Force. The crew chooses to help Christopher recover from an otherwise hopeless situation, but then must zap his knowledge of the future before returning him to his own time.

Drinking Events
Drink every time one of the following happens.

1. A USAF jet appears.
2. An unidentified object is registered on radar.
3. Enterprise appears backdropped against the Earth sky thereby making fully obvious what a frickin' toy it is.
4. A crew member falls to the set floor.
5. A crew member gets pulled up off of the set floor.
6. Kirk references strange gravitational forces.
7. Kirk mentions a black star.
8. Spock mentions orbit, or escape velocity.
9. The word UFO is said.
10. A non-white person appears on screen (you should get at least three drinks outta this one).
11. The pilot appears in completely opaque bug eye goggles in defense against the brightness of transporter lights.
12. The words "you're among friends" and "you speak English" are said within one minute of each other.
13. The computer whistles to signal intercom communication.
14. A horn plays in the background when a woman walks by.
15. The number of galaxy class vessels (12) in Star Fleet is referenced.
16. Little green men are referenced.
17. The idea of an accident is mentioned.
18. The risk of changing the time line is discussed.
19. "Your logic can be most annoying."
20. The computer is chastized for the manner in which it speaks to Kirk.
21. The computer is referred to as affectionate.
22. The computer is described as giggling.
23. Any of the male characters' eyeshadow clearly shows.
24. Scotty says, "If you see what I mean" immediately after explaining the state of the ship's engine.
25. The phrase "a prisoner in time" is said.
26. The computer flirts with Captain Kirk.
27. Faux Mayan artifacts appear in the background.
28. Security personnel get caught unaware even having been warned immediately before the attack.
29. McCoy uses metaphor to explain the state of a character's health.
30. The number of crew members on board is referenced.
31. Spock admits to error.
32. McCoy hassles Spock.
33. The episode incorrectly names Earth's history of space exploration.
34. McCoy smiles making himself look like the Joker from the original Batman series.
35. Spock uses the word "logically" (careful this one'll get you loaded).
36. A non-existent son is discussed.
37. Sulu is shown wearing short high heels.
38. "It'll make the devil's own noise, if you start it."
39. Time warp calculations are referenced.
40. A 'primitive' gun is shown on screen.
41. A person is inadvertently beamed aboard the Enterprise.
42. A person arrives on the transporter platform facing the wrong direction.
43. The Enterprise appears orbiting planet Earth.
44. Kirk throws himself onto at least two men.
45. Kirk sacrifices himself for Sulu's sake.
46. Sulu's dimples appear.
47. McCoy yells "Blast!"
48. Someone yells information at Spock that he then responds to with the line, "I am aware of that."
49. Kirk says his full name.
50. Kirk makes fun of his uniform.
51. A close up of a crewman's face reveals how damaging to their skin the stage makeup is.
52. Chicken soup is referenced as though "chicken soup" is adequate to understanding what kind is wanted.
53. Sulu knocks someone out with a quick hand chop.
54. Spock uses his Vulcan stun grip.
55. Magnetic attraction is discussed.
56. Scotty refers to "my engines."
57. Time travels backwards.
58. "Breakaway point" is mentioned.
59. The crew dramatically leans sideways to show the speed at which they're traveling.
60. The toy ship Enterprise bumps about in space.
61. Scotty warns us of impending doom.
62. Uhura's hair gets messed up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's cool.
