The Entire Star Trek Universe at High Speed

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Klingon Linguistic Epiphany

Kaplah! (Klingon for "Success!" or "Eureka!")

An anonymous friend had the above gift sent to me via U.S. Post--The Klingon Dictionary, complete with not only translation but also linguistic structure of the Klingon language. My goodness! When we hit those episodes where Klingons start finally making more regular appearance, or, even more especially the early Star Trek movies, we'll be amply ready for incorporating Klingon into our posts.

Buy' ngop! (Klingon for "that's great news!")


Unknown said...

Sounds like a grea friend and a great gift! Would not mind having it either. :-)))

Brian Barker said...

I like neither Na'vi nor Klingon, as the future global language. Especially when you have to dress up for it :)

We also need a future international language. One which is easy to learn, as well !

And that's not English! Esperanto? Let's move forward :)

At least Bill Shatner speaks Esperanto. Have a look at or